クリスマス特集の料理教室・Christmas food cooking class

クリスマス料理特集で ローストチキン ローズマリーレモン風味、リークスープ、プルーンの生ハム巻き、アップルトレイケークを作った。
お教室では 時折、参加者さんにも料理を作っていただく。今回はチキンの皮にフォークで穴をあけ、皮をめくってたれをのばす、生ハムをプルーンに巻く所をしていただいた。なるほどこんな風に味つけるのですね、とか、プロシュート生ハムになじみがないから、プルーンに生ハムをまく間も緊張感が漂って、みんな大興奮!

I made roast chicken, leek soup, prunes with prosutte and apple tray cake.
I sometimes ask participants to help me cook. This time we pierced chicken skin with a folk and season the chicken with oil-based spice mixture. Besides we wrapped prunes with prosutte together. A participant said ” This is a way to season a chicken. Simple! ” Members were unfamiliar to the italian raw ham so the atomosphere became tense and we all were excited. It was fun!
In addition, I explained leek , a way to cut and rinse it.
Finally We set a table and decorated the roast chicken with red berries and green leaves .. We enjoyed lunch and tea time.

料理教室でのお客様の声・Participant’s feedback about 11/13 demo 




ミンスパイに入れるミンスミート (レーズンや角切りのリンゴのスパイス風味のブランデー浸け)を味見していただく。

“あっ! これ クリスマスの味です!”

“そのとおり! クリスマスのクッキー ジンジャーブレッドマンやティーローフというスポンジケーキに入っているスパイスのシナモン、クローブ、ナツメグが入っています。”

“次回予告です。デザートはミッシェル クーさんのアップルトレイケークです。”

“エッ!! 私 その人知っています。テレビに出ている人ですよね!”

“はい その方のレシピ本の中から、手に入りやすい材料でカンタンに作れるケーキを取り上げます :)”


This course featured roast beef , yorkshire pudding and mince pie. Participants were curious enough to ask and say their impressions. This is a collection of their reactions to this demo.

“Don’t you use corn flour for gravey sauce?”

“Originally it’s used for the sauce. I think many people don’t have cornflour . So I substitute starch powder for corn flour.If you have it, you can use it.

I served mince meat , raisins and apple bits soaked in a spice-floavored brandy for participants to sample it.

” I know this flavor! This is a taste of Christmas! ”

“That’s right! Cinamon , clove and nutsmeg are added in it. They are used to flavor ginger bread man , christmas spicy cookies and tea loaf, tea-flavored sponge cake.

Next course features apple tray cake from Michel Coo recipe.

“I know her. She appears on TV.”

I chose her  recipe whose  ingredients are available easily. Besides it’s easy to make.

I’ll show you next time.

This demo was full of harmony.



ヨークシャープディング・Yorkshire Pudding


次回11/13の料理教室でローストビーフ グレービーソース添えとともに紹介する。
みんなもヨークシャープディングのふくらみに びっくりするだろうな。

I baked Yorkshire Pudding, crispy snack.
To make the dough, Mix eggs, flour , milk and salt well. Leave it alone and then bake it in the oven.
It’s suprising to see the small amount of dough expand when baked  

I’ll demonstrate Roast Beef with gravey and Yorkshire Pudding on 13th Nov.
Everyone would be surprised to see the pudding expanding in the oven. 🙂

10/23 Robin’s 料理教室の様子・Robin’s Cooking demo on 23th Oct


同時にできたての料理を試食できるよう、マフィン、サワーキャロット、ガーリックポテト、チキンの煮込みの順で作っていく。マフィンが焼きあがると歓声が起こる。できたてのマフィンの味見をすると、”うわぁ~美味しい ! りんごがたくさん ! それに柔らかいですね !” の声。


“どれもやさしい味で今朝、食欲がなかったけれど、すべて食べられました! “ と言ってくださる。

今回も笑顔で終わった料理教室でした : )

This cooking course featured chicken and mushroom caserrole, sour carrots, garlic potato and apple crumble muffins. I cooked them in the order of maffins, side dishes and chichen dish so that participants can taste hot and freshly cooked food.

Sampling the freshly baked muffins, a lady said”Wow ! Delicious ! It has lots of apple bits and they are very soft, aren’t they? ”

Simmering the casserole, I explained about the ingredients. I told mushrooms has an effect to prevent cancer and Iwauchi liquor shop has marsala. Besides if you don’t have it, you can use mirin, a sweet sake instead. I was glad to see they wrote the info down.

One and a half hours later, we finished cooking.We had the meal. A woman said ” I could eat them all, I had little appetitie this morning though.”

This class was also over with everyone smiling.

プラムジェリー・Plum Jelly



I finally understood what fruit is plum in Japan. It’s “Sumomo” in Japanese.
So I made plum jelly with a recipe from my English friend.

She said it’s perfect for pork cuisine and bread. Besides jelly making is a method of preservation for fruits to keep fruits from rottening.
It’d be nicer one can enjoy the fruit for a year.

9/11ロビンズ料理教室 Robin’s cooking demo


また たとえタルトを作らなくても、チーズカードにジャムをのせたり、サラダにかけたりするといった楽しみ方も紹介する。こんな話からいろんな形で今日の内容が暮らしに活用されるといいな、と思う。

I demonstrated Pork mushroom and leek casserole, Lentil soup and Yorkshire curd tarte. I talked about the ingredients too. Leek is used as a ingredient for the casserole in the original recipe or whey helps musle building by drinking it after  exercise.

I said other ways to enjoy curd. When you add jam to the cheese curd or sprinkle the curd over the salad, it’s tasty. Thorough the talk, I hope everyone will use the tips for your diet in many ways.

グリルドサーモン・Grilled salmon

鮭・ズッキーニ 秋からの食材と夏の食材を使う料理で今ぴったりの料理。
なかなかちょうどよいタイミングで教室でとりあげていないけれど カンタンでおいしい料理だ。いつか取り上げたいものです。

Salmon, Corgette Grilled salmon is a right dish for this season cooked by a food in season in autumn and a food in season in summer .
It’s simple to make. I ‘ve not taken up the dish yet but hope to demonstrate it in the future.

8/1 Robin’s 料理教室

今回 とりあげたのは北イタリア料理のロースとパプリカのツナソース詰め、パンサラダ、イギリス料理研究家リックステイン氏のいわしのグリル、イギリスのデザートルバーブフール。どれも夏に合うさっぱり料理。



I demonstrated Italian food, roasted paprika filled with tuna sauce,bread salad, English cooking expert Rick stain’s grilled sardin and English sweet rhubarb fool.
All dishes taste a bit sour, perfect for summer dishes.

We confirmed ingredients for grilled sardin and I talked about health effects rhubarb has through Rick’s recipe book and a book about rhubarb.
“Look! rosemary is written in the ingredient list for sardin’s dish.” Everyone looked surprised.
Everyone asked me questions.
“Does the rhubarb leaf have poison? ” I said ” That’s right. It has.” ” What is the terracotta pot ? Why is it upsidedown?” ” It’s put to decolorize the stem.”
That helped participants understand grilled sardin and rhubarb.
Through the chat, we enjoyed foreign cooking well.

7/4 Robin’s 料理教室


それぞれの料理にまつわるエピソードや名前の由来、カレーパウダーなどのスパイスの話も。例えば カレーパウダーはイギリスで作られたスパイスです等

どの料理も一口たべるたび、「おいしいよ!」 との歓声をいただく。  そう、イギリスは美味しい!

To commemorate Japan’s new emperor’s coronation, I demonstrated Coronation chicken and its sandwitch served to cerebrate Queen Erizabeth’s coronation.
I taught Elderflower Jelly, a jelly flavored by British typical flavor , Elderflower cordial and Asparagas soldier.

I talked about stories about the dishes , the origin of a name and stories about curry powder I used : Curry powder is spice invented in England.

Everytime participants ate dishes, they said “Delicious !” In other words, England is delicious!

野菜だし・Vegetable stock


Do you know you can make vegetable stock from vegetable skins and the head? There is lots of phytochemicals underneath the vegetable skins. So Thanks to the effect, the stock is good for beauty and health as well as lowering cancer risk.
Besides it is rich in flavor. The soup colour varies according to the ingredients. Using the stock, you can enjoy daily home cooking.
I’ll show you how to make vegetable stock in Robin’s cooking lessons in Wakayama city. If you can make it, you can reduce salt and consomme.