6/22 ロビンズ料理教室 Robin’s cooking class on June 22nd

玉ねぎの甘さ引き立つソース・グリーンピースといただくトードインザホール 材料の組み合わせともちもちの食感で好評でした。キューカンバー(きゅうり)サンドイッチハアフタヌーンティーで出される定番サンドイッチで、みんなでこのサンドイッチを作りました。又、ハムサンドイッチは高級ハム、きゅうり、レタスの組み合わせで楽しむもの、ですので材料は良いものを選ぶのが大切と伝えました。皆さん、試食しながら納得のご様子でした。


Toad in the Hole with subtle sweet onion sauce and peas was popular for the good combination of ingredients and springy texture. Cucumber sandwich is essential part of a tea party so we made it together. In addtion I informed participants of importance of choosing high quality ingredients as their combination will be the taste. They were convinced well.

I talked about raw sausages in the UK , the way to serve tea during a tea party and table manners to take sandwich , scones and cakes from a three-tire cake stand. The class was lively and they had fun. I hope to talk about English style tea parties when I share sandwich and scones with participants.

自家製パン粉・Home-made bread crumbs





When I teach sandwiches, I’m always asked ” How do you use the crusts? ” I always answer ” I deep-fry them and sprinkle a pinch of salt or sugar. I eat them as a snack.

Recently I remember Anthony’s talk of making bread crumbs. He, the owner of my inn in England said ” There are no stores around here so I make bread crumbs myself. I put the crusts into the food cutter and break them into pieces. then lay them on the newspapaer to dry. ” He also said ” The Japanese one is high quality but it is not sold here.”

Feeling nostalgic of the story, I made my bread crumbs. Despite their irregular in size, I can use them for hamburgers.

Making full use of food is one of my values.


↓ first two photos of my bread crumbs, the last photo of Japan-made bread crumbs