かんたんローストビーフ・Roast Beef

15 ~30分焼くだけでつくれるローストビーフをイギリスの友達に教わった。自分でつくるグレービーソースもとてもおいしい。クリスマス、お正月とごちそうを食べる時にも使えるので、紹介したい。

Thanks to my English friend’s roast beef recipe, I make the roast beef for only 15-30 minutes. It’s delicious. The gravy sauce I make is also tasty . I want to show you as it’s perfect for Christmas and New year holidays.

レンタルキッチン・Rental kitchen


I made British dishes at a rental kitchen so as to cook at unfamiliar places. These photos are roasted chicken with stuffing called crown chicken and dip of smoked mackerel and cheese.



Sage is the herb I use for a crown-shaped roasted chicken. I found sage at a store and bought it. Now I’ve been growing it indoors. It adds pungent flavor to the dushes.
I’ve been showing herbs and spices as participants look at them closely,touch them and smell them.

農作物を貯蔵するということ/Preserving produce


イギリスでは今頃、フルーツでジャムやチャツネを作り、長期保存します。冬の料理の準備とでもいいましょうか。庭で育てた洋ナシなど、たくさん収獲した果物を使う人もいます。ポークソテーや炒めたチキンとチャツネを合わせて食べたときの味といったら! ほっぺがおちそうになるくらい、美味しいです。ジャムやチャツネづくりもイギリスの長い冬を前にした、冬支度なのでしょう。


In the UK,people make jam and chutney to preserve fruit. Some of them use fruit from their gardens. It’s very tasty when you have pork saute and stir-fried chicken with the chutney.

Recently I got many Japanese pears, corns and cucumbers at once. Following the example of the English people, I made cucmber pickles , corn soup paste and Japanese pear compote. Then I’ve kept the soup paste in the freezer.

If you preserve food, you can taste it once again. That’s fantastic!

自費出版・Publishing my book at my own expense



I’ve had my dream to publish my book about the life in England in 2012.Using the long free time at home, I’ve been writing a book on it for a year and a half. I’ll select my publisher and the publishing processes will start soon. When the book is published, I’ll put it at Studio Iemaru. Despite a not-for-sale item, I hope many people will read it.

庭のトマト・Tomatoes in my garden



In England, I’ve encountered an impressive scene about tomatoes. When I was walking in my neighbourhood in the morning, Out of the blue a man appeared from his house. I saw him picking a tomato from the plant in his garden and holding it with care . Later he entered his house quickly.
I imagined he’d cook a baked tomato for his breakfast. What gorgeous it is !
Freshly picked tomato is already fantastic to taste as it’s very fresh. When it’s baked , how delicious it’ll be? I want to eat the baked tomato for my breakfast, So I’ve been looking after my tomatoes in my garden.

クラウンチキン・Crown Chicken


I made roast chicken of Crown chicken for the first time in a long time. It tastes like ham when baking the chicken stuffed with bread crumbs seasoned by consome soup.
Eating it with new boiled potatoes, it’s fantastic.

3/26市民図書館の料理講習会とイングリッシュブレックファースト・My cooking demo at the civic library and English breakfast


今朝は思い出のイングリッシュブレックファーストを作りました。南イングランべの宿でたべたものです。ベイクドトマト、ブラッドソーセージもいただきましたが、今回のブレックファースト で十分、イギリス旅を思い出す味になりました。トーストの上にあるのは白身のスクランブルエッグ。ウスターソースをうすくぬったパンの上に載せてあります。お試しあれ。

I held my cooking demo for shrimp cocktail, cucumber sandwich and butterfly cupcakes. Participants finished and enjoyed them.

I made English breakfast this morning: toast with white egg scramble , stewed prunes, fresh grapefruits I ate at an inn in South England. Although I didn’t make blood sausages and stewed apricots I ate there, the dish was enough to remind me of my English stay. To make the toast, spread the bread with worcester sauce and place white scramble egg on top. It’s a piece of cake. Please try.

スコッチエッグとイースター Scotch egg and Easter


In England, Brits celebrate Easter for the beginning of spring in March. When spring has come, new leaves and flowers are out. It was rough scenery with no leaves and flowers in winter though.. So their delight ‘d be beyond words.
Spring is the beginning of life as sprouts are out in the ground and creature spoun eggs. Beside, Eggs are the beginning of life and become a symbol of Easter .

I made scotch eggs with quil eggs to celebrate Easter this year. You can enjoy it as snack.

牛肉、大麦、野菜のスープ・Beef,barely and vegetable soup


Parsnip, carrot, leek and barely….. Simmering various veggies,I made beef, barely and vegetable soup. Whenever I found small round barely in the soup, I remembered having the soup in Edingbour in Scotland.
In terms of many kind of ingredients, the Japanese soup with pork and vegetables is simmiler to this soup. Combines rich flavor from various veggies, it tastes sweet and good. Everyone loves the soup with pork and vegetables, so I’m sure they love this soup too.
Hoping I can show it in a near future, I enjoyed it with my family.